- Oil rig - Trans oil ocean rig
- Exploded April 20th - 11 workers presumed dead.
- Tens of thousands of oil shooting into the Gulf of Mexico everyday.
- Possibly the biggest oil spill incident ever
Why should you care? Ask yourself…
- Can you afford bribes
- Can you afford gas?
- Jobs?
**12.9 trillion - America’s debt
107 trillion - Unfunded liabilities-----------
119.9 trillion debt
2007 - 96.4% tax payers
Pay off debt next year if everyone could make 2.7 million… not possible
Crime INC. - What do they know and how did they know it… and how much will it cost the American People?
Cap and Trade:
“The Federal Government would set limits or cap the amount of pollutant a business could create. If the business choose the emit levels exceeding the cap they would have to find a business not using its full allotment and purchase the surplus from them… for the concept to work there would need to be a highly centralized infrastructure to facilitate the transactions, matching buyers to sellers.”Crime INC. Explanations:
What “Greening of America” Means:December 2009- The Joyce Foundation awarded Raines and Enterprise a $200,000 grant to launch Emerald Cities Collaborative (ECC). According to its website, “The Emerald Cities Collaborative is a start-up, national coalition of diverse groups that includes unions, labor groups, community organizations, social justice advocates, development intermediaries, research and technical assistance providers, socially responsible business, and elected officials.”
Emerald Cities’ goal is “The greening of our nation’s central cities and the creation of a “new vital economic sector.” Headed up by the “man behind the curtain,” Joel Rogers. Rogers founded the powerful Apollo Alliance, the group recognized as having shaped much of Obama’s stimulus bill.
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