It’s the Climate Bill and we all know that‘s a scam. Glenn Beck and others educated Americans on what Cap and Trade really is so now its called America's Power Act. Hmm, I wonder why they changed the name? *coughsarcasm*
It’s been tried all over the world. It’s a failure. It wont save the world. It kills jobs. There is no Republican support what so ever. People in Washington should be terrified.
Senator John Kerry said, “If President Bush gets involved, if Harry Reid and all of us pull together, I think this could pass. And the reason it can pass is that we have the broadest base of support. As I said, we have faith-based community support for this bill. We have generals and admirals who believe this is a central for American security. We have major business leaders who believe this will create jobs and make us competitive.”
There are people that believe this will create jobs and the churches are behind this movement. There is a coalition of faith-based groups. It's the Eco-Justice Program, the National Councils of Churches of Christ. And it's with three different churches right next to each other. At the bottom of the donate page is says the group. Sounds patriotic right? If you click on the site you see it says Democracy, wiring the progressive movement. “A 501c3 non-profit organization itself believes technology can be a decisive force for social change. ‘We exist to empower those who share our values of ecological and social justice to advance the progressive agenda.’" This is not the Lord’s work. It’s man’s work for global government.
Social Justice is Marxism --> Redistribution of wealth.
How is that helping us? It apparently helps us save the planet --> Global warming? --> Global climate change? --> CO2
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