Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24, 2010

Perfect Storm:

Islamic Terror --> Corruption --> Socialism/Communism --> No more faith --> Civil unrest --> Revolutionaries & Anarchist --> Media --> Banks/Financial

We’ve conquered each individually but never all at once.

The Enemies of Freedom are:

  • Laundering People - Bill Ayers (blew up pentagon and police in 1960’s and said in NY Times they didn’t do enough on Sept. 11 and doesn’t regret blowing things up. He‘s been made legitimate (How?)/Jeff Jones (Apollo Alliance in NY)/Van Jones (Communist Revolutionary)
  • Laundering Ideas:
             - Redistribution of wealth --> ‘It’s only Global Warming’…that’s all
             - Organized Crime --> ‘Community Organizing’…that’s all
  • Connecting with: Business, labor, outcasts, Acorn, communist
  • Completely: Destroy faith, founders, constitution
  • Recreating Civil Rights Movement

Friday, May 21, 2010

May 21, 2010

Watching Glenn Beck today I found it hard to keep up with what he was talking about and trying to put his words into my own. So, I thought it'd be easier to take his words and copy them. He is just so good at explaining. Sometimes I'd rather just listen, especially during heated topics... which most of the time they are.
From Glenn Beck:

“Think about the history you've been taught. Who were the greatest presidents of all time? Washington, Lincoln and - routinely lumped in with those two incredible men - Woodrow Wilson and FDR.

You probably remember learning about how FDR rallied America from the worst financial depression in history with the wondrous New Deal. But what you were never taught was that unemployment never went below 14 percent under the New Deal; that many of the New Deal programs were wildly unconstitutional.

FDR's own secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, testifying before the House Ways and Means Committee, said: "We are spending more money than we have ever spent before and it does not work.... I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. We have never made good on our promises.... I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started and an enormous debt to boot."

Morgenthau said that in 1939. But the New Deal is taught as a positive.

Do you ever remember learning about the depression of 1920? Perhaps that's not taught because it was turned around by low tax/reduced government policies of Harding and Coolidge. Harding is routinely ranked one of the worst presidents of all time and Coolidge usually falls in line right behind Nixon.

Woodrow Wilson created a propaganda machine - the Committee on Public Information - whose goal was to drum up support for the war with false stories. To help muzzle dissent, he passed the Sedition Act - you could be sentenced to up to 20 years for forms of expression criticizing the Constitution, the government, the military, or the flag.

We are the keeper of records. We are the best teachers for our children, but we've been taught that it's not our job to teach - only someone with a fancy degree can do that. Tell that to George Washington and James Madison and John Adams and Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln and the countless others who had some form of home schooling.

I wasn't home schooled, but I'm a self-educated guy. I'm a college dropout. I just received an honorary doctorate this weekend. Don't worry, I won't show up in your operating room - it's a doctorate in humanity, in life. I think that's one of the least arrogant things these universities can do, because they are acknowledging that you don't necessarily need them to learn. I've read everything from every side; it's the only real way to learn: Get all arguments and decide for yourself - debate it with others. Don't just get some information from a section of people with a certain point of view and then stop learning.

Especially now, when history is being changed and revised right in front of our faces.

We're going to talk about some of the things that have happened; things you won't even believe from every time period. For example, what if I told you Donald Rumsfeld, when he was still serving, came out and said $2.3 trillion was unaccounted for - gone. You'd say I was making that up because you've never heard it. You know why? Because he said it on September 10th, 2001:


DEFENSE SECRETARY DONALD RUMSFELD: According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.


Obviously the next day changed things and we got sidetracked. But whether it's getting sidetracked or an agenda or because someone writing the textbooks just didn't know it and got it wrong, our history is being revised.”

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19, 2010

Arizona Law and Immigration:
Some immigrants have been in the U.S. almost their whole life and are now realizing they need papers in order to take advantage of the opportunities in America like a job. We could do what Reagan did and give them a break if they haven’t committed a crime in America. The only problem with that though is people will come rushing over the border and we want to prevent that from happening. We are the suckers here. We are the tax payers, carrying the load.

-- Arizona Law SB1070
  • Crime to be in Arizona Illegally
  • Crime to not carry Immigration Documents
  • Arizona citizens can sue government if immigration laws not enforced
  • Illegal to hire illegal day laborers
  • Police have broad powers to detain where reasonable suspicion exists - by definition being an illegal alien is illegal activity so if they have suspicion they can approach you
  • Hand over illegals to federal government

-- Federal -U.S Law

  • All aliens shall carry proper identification
  • Lawful stop not required
  • Reasonable suspicion not required for questioning
  • Makes it a misdemeanor crime to employ illegal aliens
There is nothing new here with the Arizona law. Arizona simply reenacted the federal law. The only difference is there are more safe guards in the Arizona Law. So, how can the President say the law was poorly conceived? What’s all the fuse about?


-- Mexico Law

  • Immigrants must have necessary funds for their substance and dependents (Article 34)
  • Foreigners may be barred from the country if they are not physically or mentally healthy (Article 37
  • Foreigners deported from Mexico and attempt to re-enter without authorization can be imprisoned up to 10 years (Article 118)
  • Noncitizens cannot “in any way participate in the political affairs of the country”
  • General Law on Population says under Mexican Law, illegal immigration is a felony (Article 123)
  • You have to be of good character - No criminal record what so ever


Medical: No treatment for illegals
Education: No education for illegals
Deportation: No due process required
Misd. vs. Felony: 2 yrs, 10 yrs, felony
Aid: No sustenance; May be deported    

United States:

Medical: Must treat illegals
Education: Must educate thru 12th grade
Deportation: Due process required
Misd. vs. Felony: 6 months, $500, misdemeanor
Aid: Education, welfare, F. stamps

Citizenship Test - Sample Questions:
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
- Thomas Jefferson

What do we call the first ten amendments to the constitution?
- The Bill of Rights

Who was the President during World War One?
- Woodrow Wilson

The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
- 435 voting members

How many amendments does the constitution have?
- 27 amendments

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18. 2210

Government (Crime Inc.):
  1. Merge with churches
  2. Teach environmental justice
  3. Help churches get loan to build “green” buildings
In the progressive movement they knew that we were God centered people.

God --> Morals --> Global Warming --> Environmental Justice --> Socialism --> Redistribution of Wealth --> Marxism

God --> Morals --> Health Care --> Economic Justice --> Socialism --> Redistribution of Wealth --> Marxism

God --> Morals --> Education/Border --> Social Justice --> Socialism --> Redistribution of Wealth --> Marxism

(Try reading the opposite way starting with Marxism. It’s how the government is using the system now in order to make it sound good because it ends with God. They say “God is telling them to do it.”)

Social Justice:
Social Justice has nothing to do with God or the Bible. None of it! It’s only code for Marxism! They know this has nothing to do with God but they know this will put the final nail in the churches. It is about control and the fundamental transformation of America. Nothing is as it seems. A Jobs Bill is not a Jobs Bill, really it’s a Stimulus Bill which is just graphed. We need to know the truth because they always change the language. We need to make our own decisions. It’s either about God or Government.

Social Justice is like liberalism in a cloak of Christianity. In Acts 5 Peter talks about how he believes in the individual right to your own property. Why? Because of the Ten commandments. Children aren’t allowed to read it anymore in schools because the supreme court says they’re too dangerous. Well, they’re dangerous for Socialistic Government. The eighth commandment says, “thou shalt not steal.” That means you have a right to your property. God says you own it and if you put it in it’s positive form, “thou shalt not steal” means you are to preserve your property and the property of your neighbor.

George Whitefield taught that everyone has a soul and stands before God. When he preached he could fill a city. He taught that its important to have a personal relationship with God. (Now, EPA is merging with churches and then offering them money to help them green their churches. Founders warned us of the partnership of government and church.)

Book: George Washington’s Sacred Fire - sets the story straight about George, one of our founders

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17, 2010

1915-ish Progressives Had to Get Rid of:
  1. The faith people had. They went to church
  2. The founders people loved
  3. The Constitution people used to know
Progressives couldn’t get what they wanted done and go through with their agenda because those three things were too strong. We don’t talk about these things anymore. Seems people are afraid.

What Glenn Beck Has to Say About Crime Inc. - Fannie Patent:
“Crime, Inc. is a story Glenn's been talking about involving a group of government insiders who stand to make money off cap and trade legislation if it passes. One of the hose players is Franklin Raines, the former CEO of Fannie Mae. He left the company in 2004 after he inflated earnings by about 9-billion dollars. While Raines was CEO, he and a couple of other Fannie executives applied for patents on a "residential emissions trading program." So why would Fannie Mae and Franklin Raines care about cap and trade? Glenn's not the only one who wants to know... Two members of congress are also seeking information on Fannie's interests.

On Thursday, May 13, 2010, Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) along with Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) sent a letter to David Kappos, the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, as well as Michael Williams, President and CEO of Fannie Mae, seeking information concerning a patent issued to Fannie Mae regarding a residential Cap and Trade system.

On June 7, 2005, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued a patent for a “System and Method for Residential Emissions Trading” The patent was assigned to Fannie Mae and, LLC of New York. Listed as the inventors on the patent were former Fannie Mae Chairman and CEO Franklin Raines, as well as former Fannie Mae Executives Scott Lesmes and Robert Sahadi.

This patent was issued during a crucial time in the country’s housing market. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee issued a report last year saying Fannie Mae and brother agency Freddie Mac contributed to the housing bubble bursting. “According to an analysis presented to the Committee, between 2002 and 2007, Fannie and Freddie purchased $1.9 trillion of mortgages made to borrowers with credit scores below 660, one of the definitions of “subprime” used by federal banking regulators. This represents over 54% of all such mortgages purchased during those years.”

Currently, taxpayers will be expected to backstop at least $145 billion of Fannie's and Freddie’s losses, and just last week Fannie Mae said it needs another $8.4 billion by June 30. Rep. Chaffetz told Glenn on Fox News that because the government is the majority owner of Fannie, it should have to open up its books.”

Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 15, 2010

America's Power Act:
It’s the Climate Bill and we all know that‘s a scam. Glenn Beck and others educated Americans on what Cap and Trade really is so now its called America's Power Act. Hmm, I wonder why they changed the name? *coughsarcasm*

It’s been tried all over the world. It’s a failure. It wont save the world. It kills jobs. There is no Republican support what so ever. People in Washington should be terrified.

Senator John Kerry said, “If President Bush gets involved, if Harry Reid and all of us pull together, I think this could pass. And the reason it can pass is that we have the broadest base of support. As I said, we have faith-based community support for this bill. We have generals and admirals who believe this is a central for American security. We have major business leaders who believe this will create jobs and make us competitive.”

There are people that believe this will create jobs and the churches are behind this movement. There is a coalition of faith-based groups. It's the Eco-Justice Program, the National Councils of Churches of Christ. And it's with three different churches right next to each other. At the bottom of the donate page is says the group. Sounds patriotic right? If you click on the site you see it says Democracy, wiring the progressive movement. “A 501c3 non-profit organization itself believes technology can be a decisive force for social change. ‘We exist to empower those who share our values of ecological and social justice to advance the progressive agenda.’" This is not the Lord’s work. It’s man’s work for global government.

Social Justice is Marxism --> Redistribution of wealth.
Churches don’t like to use those terms but progressives do. They change the language to control the argument to fool you.

With Barrack Obama’s plan of a Cap and Trade system he says electricity rates will sky rocket.

How is that helping us? It apparently helps us save the planet --> Global warming? --> Global climate change? --> CO2

They are going to make the price of gas, electricity, and everything else sky rocket for something happening in 1,000 years yet they don’t have the political courage to fix Social Security. We are being scammed by Crime Inc. According to Glenn Beck he believes it’s the biggest crime because it’s planetary wide, affects the whole planet.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Founders Friday - May 14, 2010


George Whitefield (1714-1770):
Best known person in America. He preached in crowds without screaming. He was not allowed to preach in churches. He was often at odds with the Church of England. Up to 30,000 people attended Whitefield’s Boston Sermon. He had a beautiful voice that people wanted to listen to. George had amazing talking skills.
Franklin was Whitefield’s closest friend. So close, in fact, that Franklin wanted to move to Ohio with Whitefield to start a new colony.
Whitefield raised enormous amounts of money for charity like his orphanage. Many people pushed him aside for those reasons.
This is the guy who helped create a deep relationship with God. He made popular the term “born again.” He wanted a personal relationship that effects his heart not just his mind. He was a common man that spoke common man which got people to listen.
He was a slave owner but he thought they had souls that needed to be saved. He believed salves deserved an education. In 1748, Whitefield pressured GA colony to legalize slavery.

Whitefield’s Political Involvement:
As the 1760’s went on he became very involved with the crisis in Britain and the colonies. He may in fact have been one of the earliest people from Britain to warn the colonist that there was trouble coming. In 1764, he came to America and said “There is trouble coming from Britain and your golden days are at an end.” He called it “There is a deep laid plot against your civil and religious liberties. My heart bleeds for you America.” When he goes back to England he is there with his good friend Franklin. When Franklin testifies before Parliament on the colonies behalf because of their protest against the Stamp Act and Whitefield is advocating behind the scenes against the Stamp Act. By the time you get to Whitefield’s passing in 1770 on his last trip to America he dies in Massachusetts and the sermons by the colonial pastors say he his largely to thank for the repeal of the Stamp Act. George was a true patriot. He is a representative of what the Revolution was really about.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 13, 2010

What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principle risk to the Earth come from the actions of the rich countries? …in order to save the planet, the group decided: isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?

What Are We Looking For?
  1. Group of people (small - global)
  2. Threat to Earth
  3. Rich countries are problem
  4. Collapse system - C/P
  5. Control
(1). The People - All the Presidents men: Van Jones, John Holdren (radical views on forced abortion and sterilizing drinking water were under scrutiny), Barrack Obama (sat with a pastor for twenty years who was a Jew hating crazy guy who HATES America), Anita Done (China president, Mao Se Tung [communist], is who she admires the most along with Mother Teresa), etc,…

(2). Global Government - Maurice Strong - “This interlocking… is the new reality of the century, with profound implications for the shape of our institutions of governance, national and international… by the year 2012, these changes must be fully integrated into our economic and political life.” (Beyond Interdependence, 1991)

(3). Emergency Plan - Maurice Strong’s Real Goal - “The real goal of the Earth charter is that it will in fact become like the ten commandments.” (1990)
John Holdren on Population Control - “A government might require only implantation of the contraceptive capsule, leaving its removal to the individual’s discretion but requiring reimplantation after childbirth.” (Ecoscience, 1977)

(4). Redistribution of Wealth - Barrack Obama - “[I think] One of the tragedies of the civil rights movement was, uh, because it became so court focused that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that.” (Chicago Public Radio, 2001)

(5). CONTROL - “What can the government do about conspiracy theories, and what should it do? 1) Government might ban “conspiracy theories,” somehow defined. 2) Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate sure theories. 3) Government might itself engage in counter speech marshaling arguments to discredit conspiracy theories. 4) Government might formally hire credible private parties to engage in counter speech. 5) Government might engage in informal communication with such parties encouraging them to help.” (Conspiracy Theories causes and curses, May 7, 2009)

Who: ?
What: Theft of Rights and $
When: Happening NOW
Why: $ --> Power and Control

Friday, May 7, 2010

Founders Friday - May 7, 2010

George Washington - The Indispensable Man:
George Washington is the guy we’ve been looking for - an honest guy who doesn’t want to serve. He was the indispensable man because nobody trusted anybody. All the states were arguing with each other.

At age 16 George Washington was out surveying land for his country, which was then Great Britain. What Washington really wanted to do was go to Mount Vernon and be a farmer. Both his countries, Britain and the U.S., had him serving year after year.

All things started to fall apart after he won the Revolutionary War. To become the farmer he hoped to be, he went back to Mount Vernon. They came knocking at his door and said, “George, we need you.” His reply was something like, “Have I not yet done enough for my country?” No!

He’s a guy that in the end could have been made king. Made a ruler. A guy who could’ve been really upset at Congress.

One of the most telling moments of George Washington’s power is when the soldiers were going to revolt. They had just won against the most powerful army on the planet, Great Britain. They found out the U.S. Congress wasn’t going to take care of the troops, wasn’t going to pay them. They went nuts. They said, you’re in the going to pay us? We’ve just defeated Great Britain! We’re afraid of you?

They made plans to go and kill Congress and knew Washington wouldn’t go with it. Washington said “Let’s not replace on tyrant with another.” Of course they didn’t listen to him and went off to have a meeting. Washington wasn’t invited, but he knew what was going on. He went to Congress and go a letter that said he’d do his best but needed more time.

Washington found out about the meeting and walked in in the middle of it. It became silent. He said something like, “Gentlemen, I know what you are doing. Don’t do it! We didn’t work this hard.” He then said, “I have a letter in my pocket.” He reached into his pocket and opened up the letter. He was going to read it, but he needed his glasses.

George is a guy who would sit on top of a white horse in the middle of a battle and never get shot. People thought this guy was God. When he put his glasses on, he said, “I am sorry, but I have grown old and gray in the service of my country.” Nobody ever saw him with his glasses on before. He took off his glasses, folded the paper up and never read it and walked out. It shows the power of George Washington. They decided not to storm Congress but they were mad at Washington. Most of the choices he made weren’t because he wanted to do them but because it was right.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill:
  • Oil rig - Trans oil ocean rig
  • Exploded April 20th - 11 workers presumed dead.
  • Tens of thousands of oil shooting into the Gulf of Mexico everyday.
  • Possibly the biggest oil spill incident ever
Crime INC.:
Why should you care? Ask yourself…
- Can you afford bribes
- Can you afford gas?
- Jobs?

**12.9 trillion - America’s debt
    107 trillion - Unfunded liabilities
    119.9 trillion debt

2007 - 96.4% tax payers
Pay off debt next year if everyone could make 2.7 million… not possible

Crime INC. - What do they know and how did they know it… and how much will it cost the American People?

Cap and Trade:
“The Federal Government would set limits or cap the amount of pollutant a business could create. If the business choose the emit levels exceeding the cap they would have to find a business not using its full allotment and purchase the surplus from them… for the concept to work there would need to be a highly centralized infrastructure to facilitate the transactions, matching buyers to sellers.”

Crime INC. Explanations:
What “Greening of America” Means:

December 2009- The Joyce Foundation awarded Raines and Enterprise a $200,000 grant to launch Emerald Cities Collaborative (ECC). According to its website, “The Emerald Cities Collaborative is a start-up, national coalition of diverse groups that includes unions, labor groups, community organizations, social justice advocates, development intermediaries, research and technical assistance providers, socially responsible business, and elected officials.”

Emerald Cities’ goal is “The greening of our nation’s central cities and the creation of a “new vital economic sector.” Headed up by the “man behind the curtain,” Joel Rogers. Rogers founded the powerful Apollo Alliance, the group recognized as having shaped much of Obama’s stimulus bill.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3, 2010

In Europe and Greece unions are cutting jobs and are becoming more and more violent and are using revolutionaries to help them do it. They become more aggressive. America is at the beginning of this cycle.

May 1st - Communist Day! :/ (May Day)

The Playbook - Union and Revolutionary Plan:
  1. Socialize the government
  2. Unionize government jobs
  3. Over promise pensions - over spend
  4. Blame others for business/government cuts
  5. Protest cuts and taxes that effect unions
No such thing as Social Justice. There should on be Equal Justice.

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one had reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.”
- Booker T. Washington

Cops are being called racist, the same people who protect us despite our race and color. They are the ones putting on the bullet proof vest.

President Obama - “I do think at some point you’ve made enough money…”
George Soros - $14 million
Oprah Winfrey - $245 million
Bill and Hillary Clinton - $35 million
Al Gore - $100 million est.
Jeff Immelt - $5.1 yearly
Andy Stern - $ 306,000 yearly
Franklin Raines - $65.3 million
John Edwards - $30 million
Michael Moores - $20 million est.

“Mr. President why don’t you ask your friends to set the example on how much is too much?”
- Glenn Beck

“Not Racist, not violent.
Just no longer silent.”