Monday, July 12, 2010

Restoring History - July 9, 2010

Woodrow Wilson (one scary nutcracker of a dude!):
  • Wilson invented propaganda. Hitler and gang learned it from us.
  • Wilson was President of Princeton University from 1902 to 1910
  • Woodrow was President of the United States from 1913 to 1921
  • Wilson’s campaign slogan was “Help keep us out of war!”
Wilson was an arch segregationist. He segregated the American armed forces, post offices (which is difficult to do), reduced the number of African Americans enrolled in Federal Government, etc…. He also required that a picture be attached to a resume and application in order to apply for government jobs.

Movie Birth of A Nation - First big silent movie. Rumors it is based on Wilson’s writings but hasn’t been confirmed by sources. Premiered at the White House. Wilson said it was the best movie and that it really tells American History. It about the history of the Civil War and Reconstruction seen through the eyes of a clans men. The movie has been considered and agreed to be a very racist movie glorifying the clan.

Wilson didn’t believe that Blacks really had the ability to get a higher education or even finish college, at least in high quantities.

Margaret Sanger:

  • 1916 - Started the first birth control clinic
  • Taught to be the champion of the Women’s Rights Movement
Sanger was trying to wipe out the “negro race.” She started what is called the Negro Project in which she would try to enlist black ministers and get them to go into their neighborhoods and tell black people not to reproduce because they are an “unfit group.”

Sanger was also a part of the Eugenics movement which was to “breed a better person.”

Rockefeller Senior:
Good or Evil??

  • Rockefeller’s standard Oil Co. held 90% of U.S. oil market
  • He was accused of creating a monopoly on oil.
  • He gave away 550 million to charity over his lifetime.
  • Rockefeller himself had practically enough to pay off U.S. National Debt.


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