Obama and administration are filing a lawsuit against Arizona’s Immigration law. Obama announced his reasoning to be that Arizona’s law had potential to discriminate those who are under suspicion. Yet, the lawsuit doesn’t mention a single word about discrimination. Funny how Obama is willing to make that case to the people but the lawyers aren’t willing to make that case to a judge. They can’t make the case against the law for being discriminatory because the law clearly prohibits racial profiling. Arizona is simply trying to reinforce the federal law, the law we already have.
20% of the Nation are Liberals
42% are Conservative or VERY Conservative
36% are Moderate
How can this be that we are letting the 20% control this Nation?
- With the Help of the press is how. Now, only 38% of Independents show they still support Obama
60% of those Independents for Obama want Obamacare to be repealed. According to NBC/WSJ 64% of this Country are for Arizona Immigration Law.
Stories Not Covered:
(Media ignores stories that don’t fit their template)
NASA Chief Comment
1. NASA Talk down to Muslims
Claims by Palin’s daughter’s ex-boyfriend that parents were bad
2. Ex admits he lied. They are good parents
Black Panthers who were intimidating people at voting polls
3. Panthers want to kill “crackers” and their “cracker” babies
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