Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 11, 2010

Education Transformation:
  1. Get rid of history
  2. Get rid of the Constitution, and
  3. Get rid of education on finance
Bailout for education and teachers signed yesterday - $26.1 Billion more that we can’t afford to pay back.

Bailout doesn’t even have a title: “__________ Act of __________”

Tolerance could possibly be one of the reasons America is in the mess it is now! We seem to be tolerating ourselves out of existence. An example would be the recent story of Judge Joseph Charles who claims that his faith says it’s okay to rape his wife since it’s a family member. Tolerance can be a good thing but there comes a time to find the monsters and not tolerate them. Raping your wife or cutting the nose and ears off of your daughter just for running away because of abuse is not okay!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 29, 2010

Weather Underground Manifesto:
  1. End capitalism/imperialism in U.S.
  2. Replace with a “New Democracy” with a dictator and Global Socialism
  3. Gather Victims - (1960’s) - Vietnamese, students, minorities, unions, workers, third world, the oppressed. (Now, we replace the Vietnamese with Palestinians, Iraqis, Illegals.)
“An autocratic form of government in which the government is ruled by an individual… the dictator.”
Police being displayed as racists has been a move central to the movement of the Weather Underground.

“The pigs are the capitalist state… pigs really are the issue and people will understand this, one way or another. They can have a liberal understanding that pigs are sweaty working-class barbarians who over-react and commit “police brutality”… or they can understand pigs as the repressive imperialist state doing its job. Our beginnings should stress self-defense…moving toward (according to necessity) armed self-defense, all the time honoring and putting forth the principle that political power comes out of a the barrel of a gun.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Liberation Theology:
People working close to Obama have been influenced by using race as a weapon. The Weather Underground Manifesto talks about Black Liberation.

 "The Black Liberation Movement…is automatically in and of itself and inseparable part of the whole revolutionary struggle against U.S. imperialism and for international socialism.”

“The crisis in imperialism has brought about a breakdown in… culture and ideology. The family falls apart, kids leave home, women begin to break out of traditional ‘female’ and ‘mother’ roles. There develops a ‘generation gap’ and a ‘youth problem.’”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Weather Underground understood how to treat anyone who dared dissent. They knew how to manipulate groups into joining their movement by targeting minorities and youth.

“In general…young people have less stake in a society (no family, fewer debts, and more open to new ideas) They have not been brainwashed for so long or so well and are therefore more able and willing to move in a revolutionary direction.”

This is why they talk about getting the younger vote, not the older.

Former Vice President speaking to school children: “There are some things about our world that you know, that older people don’t know.”
- Al Gore

What things are those, Mr. Gore?

“The role of the “wife-mother” is reactionary in most modern societies, and the disintegration of that role under imperialism should make women more sympathetic to revolution.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Weather Underground has made it clear that power is their ultimate goal.

“We must build a movement oriented toward power. Revolution is a power struggle, and we must develop that understanding among the people from the beginning.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28, 2010

Weather Underground:
They suggested to kill capitalist system and install world socialism

First words were “dictatorship of a new democracy.” It was a compromise between the poor and the working class and out of the new democracy would create socialism.

The steps:
  1. A United front against imperialism and for a new democracy, and
  2. Developing out of the new democratic stage, socialism.
The Weather Underground was hoping for a simple one step move to revolution but it was too radical for it to be successful. They figured it would be better to move slower and softer into revolution.

Imperialism and oppression is what the Weather Underground call capitalism.

“When imperialism is defeated in the U.S., it will be replaced by socialism - nothing else.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Weather Underground knew that socialism would be a hard idea to sell to the American people. Why would you want to change America? It’s the most prosperous place in the world. Well, the Weather Underground came up with a solution to convincing Americans of socialism.

“First by creating a pervasive politicization, and second by relating everything to the most militant and advanced struggles going on so that they influence and set the pace for a lot more people.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

What does this mean?
  1. Make everything political. Everything! All has to go through a central government.
  2. Create or relate to a crisis
Radicals of the Weather Underground felt that they were smarter and understood things better than the masses because they felt the masses were stupid and petty.

“Much of this category gets some relative privileges (I.E. benefits) from imperialism, which constitute some material basis for being racist or pro-imperialist…”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1996

The quote means people are stupid or they’re bigots. They are talking about us. They don’t think we are enlightened and can see the correct path. So, they avoid us because we are “ignorant.”

Our wealth really isn’t our wealth. Weather Underground believed wealth belonged to the world.

“The Relative affluence existing in the United States is directly dependent upon labor and natural resources of the Vietnamese, the Angolans, the Bolivians and the rest of the peoples of the third world. All of the United Airlines astrojets, all of the holiday inns, all of the hertz’s automobiles, your television set, car and wardrobe already belong, to a large degree to people of the rest of the world.”

In the 60’s hippies used to call the police “Pigs.” The “Pigs” believed the people had the right to their own property. Can you believe it? *coughsarcasmcough*

“Even when there is no organized political struggle, the pigs come down on people in everyday life in enforcing capitalist property relations… They guard stores and factories credit to rent against the poor.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Problem - “Pigs” will enforce property rights,

  1. Redefine Crime
  2. Take it
  3. Money - control/ use
“It is the oppressed peoples of the world who have created the wealth of this empire and it is to them that it belongs; the goal of the revolutionary struggle must be the control and use of this wealth in the interests of the oppressed peoples of the world.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

“Management personnel, corporate lawyers, higher civil servants, and other government agents, army officers, etc… [because their job categories require and promote a close identification with the ruling class] these strata are enemies of the revolution.”

- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Citizens of the World:
“Any conception of ‘socialist revolution’ simply in terms of the working people of the United State, failing to recognize the full scope of interests of the most oppressed peoples of the world is a conception of a fight for a particular privileged interest, and is a very dangerous ideology.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Battle Plan:
The writers of You Don’t Need A Weather Man to Know Which Way the Wind Blows knew that the average American wouldn’t give up their own well being to embrace the socialist version of global equality. So, the came up with a plan:

“On the whole, people don’t join revolutions just because revolutionaries tell them to… we must transform people’s everyday problems, and the issues and struggles growing out of them, into revolutionary consciousness, active and conscious opposition to racism and imperialism.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

“Workers of the world Unite” - Communist slogan
  • Transform the everyday life
- How do you accomplish a massive step toward globalism?
They tell us that we can’t do it and that we need them. They think the odds are stacked against us.

“The masses will fight for socialism when they understand that reform fights, fights for improvement of material conditions, cannot be won under imperialism.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Youth are targeted to make them feel hopeless and make them believe the system is stacked against them.

“Youth unemployment is three times average unemployment… new people in labor market can’t find jobs, job stability, and of course when they do find jobs, young people get the worst ones and have the lease seniority.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Weather Underground Manifesto

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27, 2010

Your Choice:
Which ideals do the actions of this administration more closely resemble?
  • Redistribution of Wealth
  • Globalism
  • Big Government/Marxism
  • Class/Race Warfare

  • Individual Liberty
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Free Market
  • Freedom to Succeed/Fail
Some things are not provable, but with reason and common sense think about “Your Choice” and decide.

You Don’t Need A Weather Man to Know Which Way the Wind Blows - Read it. It’s possibly the administration’s blue print. Many things in there have already taken place.
In the document they state what they have to have.

They’re using:

  • Students
  • Labor Unions
  • Working Class
  • Vietnamese (in 1959... now, who can be replaced?)
  • Third World Nations
  • The Oppressed

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

July 20, 2010

40 Days & 40 Nights
Day 30
  1. No peace without HOPE
  2. No hope without LIBERTY
  3. No liberty without INTEGRITY
  4. No integrity without VIRTUE
  5. No virtue without ENLIGHTENMENT
  6. No enlightenment without TRUTH
Shirley Sherrod Controversy:
“I was struggling with the fact that so many black people had lost their farmland and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land. So I didn't give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough. So that when he, I assumed the Department of Agriculture had sent him to me, either that or the Georgia Department of Agriculture, and he needed to go back and report that I did try to help him.”
- Shirley Sherrod , March 2010 while addressing the NAACP

 Glenn Beck’s thoughts: “Those are obviously racist comments that deserved to be condemned. But Sherrod was forced to resign before even being allowed to give her side of the story which, allegedly, is that she was just telling a story of an event that took place 24 years ago and, in fact, she is now friends with that farmer and she was only telling the story to show that she's learned her lesson that it's not about race, it's about who has and who has not.”

Sherrod’s video clip continues to say: “That's when it was revealed to me that it's about the poor versus those who have, not so much about white — it is about white and black, it's not, you know — it opened my eyes. Because I took him to one of his own.”

Glenn continues his thought by saying: “How and why would you force the resignation of someone who is just relating a story of 24-year-old incident to make a point? How many times when a controversy comes up have we heard that someone was "misquoted" or they "misspoke" or we're told that "the only point they were simply making was that..." and then some point that bears no resemblance to the one they made; or they were just "taken out of context?"

Now here's a possible actual example of someone taken completely out of context and they immediately get rid of her.”

The day the video becomes public, Sherrod is harassed into resigning. She says: “Why am I out? They asked me to resign. And, in fact, they harassed me as I was driving back to the state office from West Point, Georgia, yesterday. I had at least three calls telling me the White House wanted me to resign. And the last one asked me to pull over to the side of the road and do it. She said, "Well, Shirley, they want you to pull over to the side of the road and do it because you're going to be on Glenn Beck tonight."

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19, 2010

  1. HC Tax Hike
  2. Abortion
  3. Redistribute
  4. Keep Doctor
President said:
(1a). No tax increase (Sept. 2009)
(2a). No federal $ (Sept. 2009)
(3a). HC is a right (2008)
(4a). If you like your doctor, you can keep him (2009)

Glenn Beck said:
(1b). Couple of tax hikes (Nov. 2009)
(2b). Most anti-life President
(3b). Universal HC = Socialism (March 2009)
(4b). No Choice (Feb. 2010)

(1c). Insurance mandate = tax (July 2010)
(2c). PA & MD get tax $ for abortion (July 2010)
(3c). Berwick appointed (July 2010)
(4c). Violation of Obama’s pledge

What the Obama Administration Said They Believed:
  1. There is no terrorism --> just man caused disasters (January 2009)
  2. No such thing as an “Enemy Combatant” (March 13, 2009)
  3. War on terror doesn’t exist --> It’s the overseas contingency operation (March 2009)
  4. “Jilu lists” are not the enemy (May 2010)
  5. No “rounding up Arab American families” without “Due Process”
  6. Close Gitmo - “Show World American Justice”
  7. End “Warrant less wiretaps”
  8. No war!
President Obama is NOW saying it’s okay to assassinate American citizens without due process.

“Profound concern about recent reports indicating that you have authorized a program that contemplates the killing of suspected terrorists - including U.S. citizens - located far away from zones of actual armed conflict. If accurately described, this program violates international law and, at least insofar as it affects U.S citizens, it is also unconstitutional.” (April 28, 2010)

This isn’t assassination, this is presidential murder.

Faith in Public Life:

  • Rabbi Steve Gutow: Executive Director of Jewish Council for public affairs; activist organizer, attny, & advocate for social justice.
  • Sr. Catherine Pinkerton: Lobbyist for network - a national Catholic social justice lobby.
  • Fred Rotonardo: Senior fellow at Center for American Progress.
  • Rev. Dr. Susan Thistlethwaite: Senior fellow at Center for American Progress.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 15, 2010

Abortion Funding:
“There are some folks out there who are, frankly, bearing false witness (*interesting choice of words eh?), but I want everyone to know what health insurance reform is all about… You’ve heard that this is all going to mean government funding of abortion. Not true. These are all fabrications that have been put out there in order to discourage people from meeting what I consider to be a core ethical and moral obligation.”
- President Obama, August 19, 2009

Pro-life democrats wouldn’t sign a bill funding abortion. Obama put the reform into writing. So now you have Obama’s word, is hand shake, and you have it in writing that they will not federally fund abortion.

Not so fast… in today’s news:
“The Health and Human Services Department is giving Pennsylvania $160 million to set up a new high-risk insurance pool that will cover any abortion that is legal in the state.”
- CNS News, July 14, 2010

“In New Mexico, the new $37 million high-risk pool began enrolling individuals on July 1st. They will start receiving benefits in August, including elective-abortion services, according to the state insurance department’s website. Once a deductible is paid, 80 percent of the elective abortion is covered.”
- The National Review, July 14, 2010

What is Obama’s word even worth?!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 14, 2010

Progressive Political Agenda (problems, not principles):

  • Financial Reform: Pro-reform
  • Health Care Reform: All kids go to Heaven
  • Immigration Reform: Pro-diversity
  • Cap and Trade: Tree Hugger
  • Financial Reform: Robber Baron
  • Health Care Reform: Babies die in streets
  • Immigration Reform: Racist!
  • Cap and Trade: Hate the Earth
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom - Lucifer.”
- Saul Alinsky

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Liberation Theology - July 13, 2010


Black Liberation Theology:
Started in the 1960’s. It’s really Liberation Theology which originally started in Latin America. It’s a brand of Christianity based on the liberation of the oppressed from unjust economic, political or social conditions.

The idea is that you’re either “in one camp or the other.” There is strictly only two to choose from; the oppressor and the oppressed. According the Liberation Theology the poor are only poor because they are victims of the oppressor.

<--- James Cone is the guy credited for starting Liberation Theology, the same theology that is behind Reverent Jeremiah Wright’s church.

“Black Theology refuses to accept a god who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If god is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of Black Theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community.”
- James H. Cone, Black Theology and Black Power

If you’re an oppressor (a white person) and you want to become Christian in this Theology and be saved then you have to give back what you took. What did we take? I can’t think of a thing. I’ve earned what I have. Merit (idea of character) and grace (salvation - saved by grace) are missing in this theology.

Our work is a demonstration of our faith. James 2:20 “Faith without works is dead.” (scripture mastery)

This Black Theology reduces the Christianity in it to becoming a political theology. It’s one of it’s biggest problems. One idea of this theology is that Jesus dies on the cross as a victim instead of a conqueror like what Christians believe. Black theology also suggests that the empty tomb has no great meaning. According to the theology, Jesus demands the (Jews in his case, whites in ours) oppressor to give up their position in life, their money, and their goods to other victims in order to be saved.

Liberation (formula to gain power):
  1. Identify something you want to control
  2. Look to Marx
  3. Look for victims - groups big enough to gain power with you as leader
  4. Use, infiltrate, or corrupt the most powerful (institution) at your disposal
Where/When Liberation worked:

  1. Progressives - America. Under Wilson. White workers were victim. Used churches, unions, politics, public ed., etc… to corrupt
  2. 60’s - America. Whites no longer oppressed. It became the Vietnamese, blacks. Marxist and used Chinese with liberation
  3. Latin America - in 80’s and 90’s the church was the thing they used to have liberation take off. Possibly the most successful of liberation.
  4. Today - They want the economic engine of the world.
Cone On Coming of Christ:
“The coming of Christ means a denial of what we thought we were. It means destroying the white devil in us. Reconciliation to God means that white people are prepared to deny themselves (whiteness), take up the cross (blackness) and follow Christ (black ghetto).”
- James H. Cone, Black Theology and Black Power, Pg. 160

Monday, July 12, 2010

Restoring History - July 9, 2010

Woodrow Wilson (one scary nutcracker of a dude!):
  • Wilson invented propaganda. Hitler and gang learned it from us.
  • Wilson was President of Princeton University from 1902 to 1910
  • Woodrow was President of the United States from 1913 to 1921
  • Wilson’s campaign slogan was “Help keep us out of war!”
Wilson was an arch segregationist. He segregated the American armed forces, post offices (which is difficult to do), reduced the number of African Americans enrolled in Federal Government, etc…. He also required that a picture be attached to a resume and application in order to apply for government jobs.

Movie Birth of A Nation - First big silent movie. Rumors it is based on Wilson’s writings but hasn’t been confirmed by sources. Premiered at the White House. Wilson said it was the best movie and that it really tells American History. It about the history of the Civil War and Reconstruction seen through the eyes of a clans men. The movie has been considered and agreed to be a very racist movie glorifying the clan.

Wilson didn’t believe that Blacks really had the ability to get a higher education or even finish college, at least in high quantities.

Margaret Sanger:

  • 1916 - Started the first birth control clinic
  • Taught to be the champion of the Women’s Rights Movement
Sanger was trying to wipe out the “negro race.” She started what is called the Negro Project in which she would try to enlist black ministers and get them to go into their neighborhoods and tell black people not to reproduce because they are an “unfit group.”

Sanger was also a part of the Eugenics movement which was to “breed a better person.”

Rockefeller Senior:
Good or Evil??

  • Rockefeller’s standard Oil Co. held 90% of U.S. oil market
  • He was accused of creating a monopoly on oil.
  • He gave away 550 million to charity over his lifetime.
  • Rockefeller himself had practically enough to pay off U.S. National Debt.

July 8, 2010

Obama and administration are filing a lawsuit against Arizona’s Immigration law. Obama announced his reasoning to be that Arizona’s law had potential to discriminate those who are under suspicion. Yet, the lawsuit doesn’t mention a single word about discrimination. Funny how Obama is willing to make that case to the people but the lawyers aren’t willing to make that case to a judge. They can’t make the case against the law for being discriminatory because the law clearly prohibits racial profiling. Arizona is simply trying to reinforce the federal law, the law we already have.

20% of the Nation are Liberals
42% are Conservative or VERY Conservative
36% are Moderate

How can this be that we are letting the 20% control this Nation?
- With the Help of the press is how. Now, only 38% of Independents show they still support Obama

60% of those Independents for Obama want Obamacare to be repealed. According to NBC/WSJ 64% of this Country are for Arizona Immigration Law.

Stories Not Covered:
(Media ignores stories that don’t fit their template)
NASA Chief Comment
    1. NASA Talk down to Muslims
Claims by Palin’s daughter’s ex-boyfriend that parents were bad
    2. Ex admits he lied. They are good parents
Black Panthers who were intimidating people at voting polls
    3. Panthers want to kill “crackers” and their “cracker” babies

July 12, 2010

President Obama’s Priorities:
Action screams louder than his words

Priorities with no rush:
  • McChrystal issued a report saying they needed more troops in Afghanistan (August 30, 2009): Took the President 93 days to decide to add an additional 30 troops.
  • BP Oil Spill: Took Obama 57 days before he even MET with the CEO.
  • The Underwear Bomber: 2 weeks before the President made a formal statement about the bomber.
  • ACORN: 477 days now, and counting, that an investigation hasn’t gone into ACORN.
  • Van Jones: Took 47 days for the White House to comment on Van Jones (communist in the white house. Resigned on September 5, 2009).
Priorities with rush:
  • July 20, 2009 Harvard Professor Friend arrested: 48 hours after the arrest, he makes a comment during a major press conference and exclaimed the police acted stupidly.
  • Arizona has been begging for reinforcement for 454 days: Took Obama 30 days to come up with a lawsuit against Arizona’s Immigration Law and 78 days to file lawsuit.
  • BP or BAN: 37 days to stop all drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. In court they lost the ban on June 22, 2010. That same day within 8 hours they did it again. Today, they filed a 3rd time.
  • Oakland Police Riot: Oscar Grant was arrested for supposable resisting when an officer was trying to shoot him with a taser. Oscar was killed because the cop claims he accidentally pulled out his gun instead of his taser. Days later there was a riot in the street in Oakland California on the day of the verdict. Verdict came in at 4:08pm on July 8th, 2010. About 6:08pm a statement was made to the DOJ. “The Justice Department has been closely monitoring the state’s investigation and prosecution. The civil rights division, the U.S. attorneys office, and the FBI have an open investigation into the fatal shooting and, at the conclusion of the state prosecution, will conduct an independent review of the facts and circumstances to determine whether the evidence warrants federal prosecution.” (DOJ Spokesman Alejandro Miyar)
“…I’m not interested in words. I more interested in action.”
- Obama
What a ridiculously hypocritical statement from our President.

*Ella Baker Center is the anti-police Van Jones Organization

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 7, 2010

The Department of Justice apparently doesn't think the voter intimidation at the polls in Philadelphia by the Black Panthers requires any further attention. Have they NOT seen the video of the same Black Panther who was at the polls calling for "crackers" and their babies to be killed. The DOJ had actually already won the case and was preparing for sentencing when suddenly the case was dropped. Huh?

VOICE: “I hate white people! All of them! Every last iota of a cracker I hate him! Because we are still in this condition….We didn't come out here to play this game. There's too much serious business going on in the black community to be out here sliding through South Street with white dirty cracker whore [ BLEEP ] on our arms. And we call ourselves black men with African garb on. What the hell is wrong with you, black man? You had a (unintelligible) with a white girl on your damn arm. You want freedom? You are going to have to kill some crackers. You might have to kill some of their babies. Let us get our act together.”
Ironic last statement.

The president has no problem with militant intimidation. It can go a step further… terrorism.

The case against the Black Panthers was dropped. How? Why?! Why do liberals and the Obama Administration give beef to the tea parties by calling them racist and violent when clearly the Black Panther Party is far beyond racist and violent? It’s because the Black Panthers gave support to Obama in his election. Those going against Obama and his administration are the bad guys… riggghht.

So, they wont go after the Black Panthers, BUT they will challenge Arizona’s Immigration Law because they are trying to uphold U.S. Law. Make sense? Not so much.

Why was the Reconstruction Era EVIL?
Opponents organized terrorists groups in Louisiana, reconstruction. They aimed to intimidate Republican voters of both races. They sought to obstruct radical Republican policies. They wanted to restore the rule by native whites. The most violent racial clash was the Colfax Riot. The riot was over the 1872 election. Ended with Louisiana having duel governments at all levels of politics. Former slaves were terrified that Democrats would cease power, they tried to take over Colfax. Fifty African Americans were murdered even AFTER they had already surrendered. This part of our history should be known so we don’t repeat it.

1874 - Organized white paramilitary groups formed in the deep south intimidating and killing black voters. White paramilitary - means people who aren’t in the military but are dressed up. Knights of the White Camilla, The White League, and were one of the early violent hate groups.

President has to have: White workers vote and use Union Boss to scare white voters about Blacks.

President has to have: Blacks/Hispanics vote for him and use Union Boss to scare Black/Hispanics of Whites.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 6, 2010

The economy is only getting worse. A year and a half of Obama and here is what we have.
“The economy is still in the gravitational pull of the Great Recession… All the booster rockets for getting us beyond it are failing” (July 4th). Hmm, you don’t say!

Starting to feel like 1932:
  • Average time to find a job hit a record of 35.2 weeks
  • Budget deficit is now above 10% of GSP
  • Home sales are down
  • Retail sales are down
  • 9.2 million are collecting unemployment
What leads to recovery?

  • Innovation
  • Lower Taxes
  • Smaller Government
  • Cut Federal Spending
The secret is Progressives. They don’t have brains or ingenuity.

  • 1920: Cut spending. Cut taxes (roaring 20’s)
  • 1946: Cut spending. Cut taxes (depression over)
  • 1980: Cut taxes (only half of the solution)
  • 2001: Cut taxes (only half of the solution)
  • You have to do both: cut spending and cut taxes.

  1. EVERYONE makes errors and mistakes
  2. Everyone CAN change
  3. Forgive, but DON’T forget

Friday, July 2, 2010

July 2, 2010

Women’s right to vote: We are taught it was 1920, but really women were allowed to vote in 1776. The right went away in 1809. At the time there was a rise of political parties. The two primary parties were federalist and anti-federalist. By 1809 most of the women were voting with the federalists. So when the anti-federalists got power in New Jersey they wiped out the women’s vote because they were “voting in the wrong political party.” Women’s right to vote at the time didn’t go away based on equality or inequality, it was grounded upon taking the right away because the anti-federalists were in power and they didn’t want the women’s vote to count against them.

Margaret Sanger: Google her. She is taught to be a champion of the Women’s Right Movement, but is really one of the most evil women in American history.

Book: Wives of the Signers

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 30, 2010

Try and solve the oil problem:
  • Obama is blocking 10 observers from visiting and touring the spill damage.
  • BP has one of the worst safety records (possibly the worst) in the business
  • In 5 years with BP there have been about 26 deaths and 700 injuries
  • BP has had 760 safety violations and have paid $373 millions In fines
  • April 20 - Oil explosion
  • Its now been 71 days since the oil started shooting out of the Gulf of Mexico
  • Obama has had 71 days to think about the foreign assistance offers to help since the beginning. Finally has accepted. What took so long?!
  • In 71 days we have cleaned up 600,000 barrels of oil
  • The ship that offered to help clean up spill can clean up 500,000 barrels per day
  • Ship is still in dock in Virginia. Freak! Why?!
Solve Econ Crisis:
We have a financial bill that is suppose to solve the Economic Crisis. TARP is basically a slush fund. The money from it is being used to pay for the reform bill. TARP has been extended until October with November right around the corner when elections will be held. For the first time since 1974 the house didn’t even produce a budget to even consider.

Solve Spy Case:
- 11 Russians
- 10 years
- 1 Plane Ticket
- 0 AG

 Drug War:
“Phoenix, Arizona has become the kidnapping capital of America. With more incidents than any other city in the world outside of Mexico City.” (ABC News ‘09)

It has become SO dangerous that in Arizona they have closed off an area that stretches 80 miles along the border. Some call that “giving up sovereignty” Several officers have lost their lives to the hands of those here illegally.

You hire an illegal. You are engaged in modern day slavery.

Why isn’t the federal government doing A LOT more to seal our borders in this country? It is not our job! We are only citizens. The United States government is constitutionally suppose to protect us. We want to have the government take care of our borders so we can go on living normal lives. It’s what the Federal Government is there for. Hundred of thousands of illegals are flowing in at an alarming rate!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29, 2010

Depression of 1946 (there wasn’t a depression, but everyone predicted there would be one)
1943-45 Debt up 50% to 120% GDP.
  • 47% labor worked for U.S. Government
  • 27% labor in Unions
             (Either or)
- Unemployment 14-35%

 “The government cannot just disband the army, close down munitions factories, stop build ships, and remove all economic controls.”
- Alvin H. Hansen, 1943

Depression of 1946
  • Business Week predicts 14% unemployment
  • AFL forecasts 35% unemployment
  • Republican slogan: “Had enough?” (ask yourself that question)
Using that slogan Republicans won control of congress. What they did was say 120% and 47% labor for US Gov. was too high and 27% labor unions was a problem. But, spending plummeted from 84 billion in 1945 to 30 billion one year later. They paid back the debts, Depression - none. The market was fixed quickly. Civilian employment didn’t go down. It grew 4 million jobs. Now, 4 million is half of the number Vice President, Biden, says we can never replace. Obviously, the government’s strategy isn’t working.


After 9-11 the British sent over a gift to the U.S. of a bust of Churchill. Obama boxed up the statue and sent it back. Why? Does he have something against the British?

In a nutshell, Obama’s grandfather was arrested by British authorities in 1949. The story told by Obama’s Granny Sarah says he was tortured and beaten. He was held 6 months and then found guilty. Is this the reason Obama doesn’t respect the British much? Possibly so.

Monday, June 28, 2010

June 28, 2010

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land - Why? Because the Constitution itself says so. It is the bases of the American rule of law - Why? Because anyone who works for any government in the U.S. local, state, and federal takes an oath to uphold the Constitution. Come what may.

In recent years congress has given federal agents the right to write their own search warrants even though the Constitution says only judges can do so. Congress has voted to make it a crime to tell anyone you received a self written search warrant even though the Constitution says congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. It is voted to put a federal bureaucrat between you and your doctor even though the Supreme Court has ruled that what you tell your doctor and what your doctor tells you is none of the governments business. And Congress has voted to give billions to its favorite banks and labor unions even though the Constitution definitely doesn’t permit that! -- What does this have to do with the Supreme Court? Everything! It’s the Supreme Courts job to decide if Congress has been faithful and honest in keeping their oath to the Constitution. Is what Congress does now Constitutional?


It’s being suggested that America, a free country, has the same “powers” as the dictators in China. People in government think it would be smart to shut internet down when needed - like China - in order to “protect” America. Bullcrap!! It’s just about the power and control! They hate that we have the freedom to speak freely so they want to shut it down!

Friday, June 25, 2010

June 25, 2010

How many people had any idea that our founders would take an African American and bury them with the full military rights and honors?

Well, they did and it’s been erased from history. From the history I’ve learned, the time of the founders was a racist time. Yet, now I’m learning the truth that that time wasn’t how it’s being taught… that goes for most parts of history. The most important and interesting stories have been taken out of history and we are now learning a “fixed” history. It’s aggravating.

Book: American History in Black and White

Book: School Text book - Colored Patriots (google search book. Copies are no longer made)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Founders Friday - June 18, 2010

“Every action done in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those that are present.”
- George Washington

Council of the Founding Fathers:
1. George Washington: Honesty is the best policy.
             - His messages was we wanted to run our public affairs the way we run our private affairs.

2. Ben Franklin: Taught to avoid extremes in life.
             - He created a list of 13 virtues to live by.

3. James Madison: Question with Boldness.
             - “…for he must surely rather honest questioning over blindfolded fear.”

4. Have to have faith in your life but it’s okay to have reasoning. You don’t have to leave yourself behind.
             - George Whitefield: Taught to fight the good fight of faith.
             - At the time he was more popular than George Washington.

5. John Adams: Dare to read, think, speak, write.
             - Knowledge will prevent us from being slaves.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Founders Friday - June 11, 2010

James Madison:
Before 1913 U.S. Senators were appointed by the state legislature. Madison said that the House of Representative would always be a national institution because the people would be directly elected by the people. But, the Senate will derive its powers from the states. The idea is that you have the senators be representatives of the state interest, like a lobbyist for the state. The 17th Amendment changed that and instituted a direct popular election of U.S. senators. “The senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state elected by the people…”

  • Madison was elected President in 1808.
  • Madison helped frame the Bill of Rights.
  • Madison was one of George Washington’s closest advisors.
  • Madison was referred to as the “Father of the Constitution.
  • Madison wrote the Federalist Essays with Hamilton and Jay

Friday, June 4, 2010

Founders Friday - June 4, 2010

Benjamin Franklin:
Poor and poverty:
“I think the best way of doing good to the poor. Is not making them easy in poverty but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, I observed in different countries that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And on the contrary, the less that was done for them, the more they did for themselves and became richer.”
- Ben Franklin, November 27, 1766

Ben Franklin created the nations first hospital. Pennsylvania Assembly didn’t want to do it. The idea was about to die but Franklin pushed the issue more because he strongly felt they needed a hospital. He challenged the PA. He said he would raise half the money, 2,000 pounds, which at the time was unheard of, and they would have to match the funds - pay the other half. The PA thought Franklin wouldn’t be able to do it. To them the idea was crazy, so they took him up on the idea. Franklin successfully raised the money, more then 2,000 in fact, and the hospital is still operating today. The bill was signed into law on May 11, 1751. As Franklin put it, “to care for the sick, the poor, and the insane who are wondering the streets of Philadelphia.”

Franklin was lumped into the category with the other founders for being a racist. Really, Franklin was far from being a racist. All we ever hear is that our founders are nothing but rich white guys who are all racist. False.

Besides the first hospital, he also started the first lending library, helped establish the first volunteer fire company in America, and he went door to door to help organize the first militia.

Franklin wanted the rattle snake to be our national symbol because the rattle snake doesn’t bother anybody. He goes away when you approach him, he does useful work, and he’s cautious, but he’s never afraid so you don’t treed on him.

A Few Essentials about Ben Franklin:
  • Ben was one of the richest men in America. He started poor.
  • One of the most popular of the founders. Possibly more popular than Washington because he was an “everyman’s” type man.
  • Franklin won the war because he put the alliance together.
  • He was very against slavery.
Franklin understood that we are given the chance to become better than when we were born. We are given pursuit of happiness - a chance instead of trying to level the playing field.

Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24, 2010

Perfect Storm:

Islamic Terror --> Corruption --> Socialism/Communism --> No more faith --> Civil unrest --> Revolutionaries & Anarchist --> Media --> Banks/Financial

We’ve conquered each individually but never all at once.

The Enemies of Freedom are:

  • Laundering People - Bill Ayers (blew up pentagon and police in 1960’s and said in NY Times they didn’t do enough on Sept. 11 and doesn’t regret blowing things up. He‘s been made legitimate (How?)/Jeff Jones (Apollo Alliance in NY)/Van Jones (Communist Revolutionary)
  • Laundering Ideas:
             - Redistribution of wealth --> ‘It’s only Global Warming’…that’s all
             - Organized Crime --> ‘Community Organizing’…that’s all
  • Connecting with: Business, labor, outcasts, Acorn, communist
  • Completely: Destroy faith, founders, constitution
  • Recreating Civil Rights Movement

Friday, May 21, 2010

May 21, 2010

Watching Glenn Beck today I found it hard to keep up with what he was talking about and trying to put his words into my own. So, I thought it'd be easier to take his words and copy them. He is just so good at explaining. Sometimes I'd rather just listen, especially during heated topics... which most of the time they are.
From Glenn Beck:

“Think about the history you've been taught. Who were the greatest presidents of all time? Washington, Lincoln and - routinely lumped in with those two incredible men - Woodrow Wilson and FDR.

You probably remember learning about how FDR rallied America from the worst financial depression in history with the wondrous New Deal. But what you were never taught was that unemployment never went below 14 percent under the New Deal; that many of the New Deal programs were wildly unconstitutional.

FDR's own secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, testifying before the House Ways and Means Committee, said: "We are spending more money than we have ever spent before and it does not work.... I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. We have never made good on our promises.... I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started and an enormous debt to boot."

Morgenthau said that in 1939. But the New Deal is taught as a positive.

Do you ever remember learning about the depression of 1920? Perhaps that's not taught because it was turned around by low tax/reduced government policies of Harding and Coolidge. Harding is routinely ranked one of the worst presidents of all time and Coolidge usually falls in line right behind Nixon.

Woodrow Wilson created a propaganda machine - the Committee on Public Information - whose goal was to drum up support for the war with false stories. To help muzzle dissent, he passed the Sedition Act - you could be sentenced to up to 20 years for forms of expression criticizing the Constitution, the government, the military, or the flag.

We are the keeper of records. We are the best teachers for our children, but we've been taught that it's not our job to teach - only someone with a fancy degree can do that. Tell that to George Washington and James Madison and John Adams and Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln and the countless others who had some form of home schooling.

I wasn't home schooled, but I'm a self-educated guy. I'm a college dropout. I just received an honorary doctorate this weekend. Don't worry, I won't show up in your operating room - it's a doctorate in humanity, in life. I think that's one of the least arrogant things these universities can do, because they are acknowledging that you don't necessarily need them to learn. I've read everything from every side; it's the only real way to learn: Get all arguments and decide for yourself - debate it with others. Don't just get some information from a section of people with a certain point of view and then stop learning.

Especially now, when history is being changed and revised right in front of our faces.

We're going to talk about some of the things that have happened; things you won't even believe from every time period. For example, what if I told you Donald Rumsfeld, when he was still serving, came out and said $2.3 trillion was unaccounted for - gone. You'd say I was making that up because you've never heard it. You know why? Because he said it on September 10th, 2001:


DEFENSE SECRETARY DONALD RUMSFELD: According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.


Obviously the next day changed things and we got sidetracked. But whether it's getting sidetracked or an agenda or because someone writing the textbooks just didn't know it and got it wrong, our history is being revised.”

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19, 2010

Arizona Law and Immigration:
Some immigrants have been in the U.S. almost their whole life and are now realizing they need papers in order to take advantage of the opportunities in America like a job. We could do what Reagan did and give them a break if they haven’t committed a crime in America. The only problem with that though is people will come rushing over the border and we want to prevent that from happening. We are the suckers here. We are the tax payers, carrying the load.

-- Arizona Law SB1070
  • Crime to be in Arizona Illegally
  • Crime to not carry Immigration Documents
  • Arizona citizens can sue government if immigration laws not enforced
  • Illegal to hire illegal day laborers
  • Police have broad powers to detain where reasonable suspicion exists - by definition being an illegal alien is illegal activity so if they have suspicion they can approach you
  • Hand over illegals to federal government

-- Federal -U.S Law

  • All aliens shall carry proper identification
  • Lawful stop not required
  • Reasonable suspicion not required for questioning
  • Makes it a misdemeanor crime to employ illegal aliens
There is nothing new here with the Arizona law. Arizona simply reenacted the federal law. The only difference is there are more safe guards in the Arizona Law. So, how can the President say the law was poorly conceived? What’s all the fuse about?


-- Mexico Law

  • Immigrants must have necessary funds for their substance and dependents (Article 34)
  • Foreigners may be barred from the country if they are not physically or mentally healthy (Article 37
  • Foreigners deported from Mexico and attempt to re-enter without authorization can be imprisoned up to 10 years (Article 118)
  • Noncitizens cannot “in any way participate in the political affairs of the country”
  • General Law on Population says under Mexican Law, illegal immigration is a felony (Article 123)
  • You have to be of good character - No criminal record what so ever


Medical: No treatment for illegals
Education: No education for illegals
Deportation: No due process required
Misd. vs. Felony: 2 yrs, 10 yrs, felony
Aid: No sustenance; May be deported    

United States:

Medical: Must treat illegals
Education: Must educate thru 12th grade
Deportation: Due process required
Misd. vs. Felony: 6 months, $500, misdemeanor
Aid: Education, welfare, F. stamps

Citizenship Test - Sample Questions:
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
- Thomas Jefferson

What do we call the first ten amendments to the constitution?
- The Bill of Rights

Who was the President during World War One?
- Woodrow Wilson

The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
- 435 voting members

How many amendments does the constitution have?
- 27 amendments