They Transformed America by:
- Undermining Faith and Religion
- Undermining Constitution - People used to talk about it. Now Congress doesn’t read it
- Undermining Founding Fathers
Father of the American Revolution. “Our affairs, it is said, are desperate if this be our language, they are indeed. If we wear long faces, long faces will become fashionable. The eye of the people are upon us.” September 1777
Samuel Adams was one of the poorest of the Founding Fathers. He once wrote to his wife that he glorified in being what the world calls a poor man.
He was also a genius in mass communications, using newspapers, public speeches, rallies and just about any other method of communication available at the time.
“He was an opponent of slavery, refusing to accept a slave he was given as a gift, and helping to pass a resolution in the Massachusetts House of Representatives banning the slave trade, which he called “odious.” The British - appointed governor vetoed it.”
Samuel Adams began is career as an elected tax collector but later become leader of one of the greatest tax rebellions in the history of the world.
The whole philosophy of government summarized is that there is a creator, he gives rights to man and the government exists to secure the rights that God give us. Period!
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