Friday, April 30, 2010

Founders Friday - April 30, 2010

1915-1920: Woodrow Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt
They Transformed America by:
  1. Undermining Faith and Religion
  2. Undermining Constitution - People used to talk about it. Now Congress doesn’t read it
  3. Undermining Founding Fathers
We’ve perverted our Founding Fathers! Read the Constitution. Strive to follow its meaning.

Samuel Adams
Father of the American Revolution. “Our affairs, it is said, are desperate if this be our language, they are indeed. If we wear long faces, long faces will become fashionable. The eye of the people are upon us.” September 1777

Samuel Adams was one of the poorest of the Founding Fathers. He once wrote to his wife that he glorified in being what the world calls a poor man.

He was also a genius in mass communications, using newspapers, public speeches, rallies and just about any other method of communication available at the time.

“He was an opponent of slavery, refusing to accept a slave he was given as a gift, and helping to pass a resolution in the Massachusetts House of Representatives banning the slave trade, which he called “odious.” The British - appointed governor vetoed it.”

Samuel Adams began is career as an elected tax collector but later become leader of one of the greatest tax rebellions in the history of the world.

The whole philosophy of government summarized is that there is a creator, he gives rights to man and the government exists to secure the rights that God give us. Period!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

April 29, 2010

Today you’ll know:
  1. The U.S. Government is turning into Crime Inc.
  2. Nothing is as it seems
  3. What is cap and trade?
Cap and Trade: Trading puffs of air or basically redistribution of wealth.
Example: You have 10 cupcake caps --> trade $ for cupcake certificates

Skinny Girl

Who Doesn’t

Like Cupcakes


Cap and Trade To Do:

  • Carbon Exchange
  • Investors
  • Technology
  • Law
  • Cover (remember this is a SCAM!)
Emerald City
The Wizard - Joel Rogers: group called “COWS” (Wildly powerful man)
- Created New Party: A Fair Economy
- A Real Democracy. A New Party (Socialist)
- The New Party endorsed candidates: Barrack Obama (State Legislature, 1996)

To Transform America:

  1. Undermine Faith and Religion
  2. Undermine Constitution
  3. Undermine Founding Fathers

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28, 2010

Progressive Beliefs:
  1. Big Government and Power and Control (both Democrats and Republicans)
  2. Democratic Elections - always a trick
  3. Social Justice --> Marxism when coupled with 1 & 2
Puerto Rico Statehood:
  • Not about freedom. About power and control
  • In history when asked “Do you want to become a state?” all 4 times (1952, 1967, 1993, 1998) votes were no!
  • ‘We’ say ‘we’ want to support their “self-determination.” Something else is really going on. (Voting is tomorrow [H.R. 2249])
  • This time they will be asked “Do you want to maintain the current status?” This puts us into agreement. It’s a trick!
Why are both parties for Puerto Rico?
- Power and control

Concerning Puerto Rico: “It is Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson all over again. Parties mean nothing, nothing. It is only about the size of the government and who controls it. That’s how you get a choice between Nazi and communist. When both sides want gigantic government, that’s how you get that. Not through a republic with limited powers.”
- Glenn Beck

The Tennessee Plan:
16th U.S. State

  • Elected delegates for congress
  • Voted on statehood
  • Drafted a state constitution
  • Applied for statehood <-- This is key!
  • Went to Capitol and demanded to be seated
  • If you vote "no" on Puerto Rico Statehood Bill you will be labeled as a racist. This is a trick to get more votes for Democrats.
How It Works:
Diluting the Vote

  • 12 million illegal = 12 votes
  • D.C. = 1 house member
  • PR = 2 senators, 6 house members
  • 4 million convicted felons = 4 votes
  • 4 million Puerto Ricans = 4 votes
(All this is a numbers game!)

Fundamentally Changing America:
- Had to Destroy:

  1. Religion and Moral People
  2. Understanding the Constitution
  3. Attachment to Founding Fathers
Book: Original Intent (recommended) also “American Heritage Series”

Black-robed Americans gain popular support for war vs. England. (Black Regiment)

“The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.”
- Samuel Adams

Monday, April 26, 2010

Current Events/Political Notes

Occasionally I'll post notes that I've taken while watching the news or current events I hear about taking place that day. A while back in church we were learning the importance of journal writing and how in our journal we shouldn't just keep a record of what we feel and/or did that day, but include world events and issue taking place. It's so in the future your children or whoever can look back on it and know the real story. Most likely, in the future, the text books wont be accurate just like we see today. I feel it's a good idea to take notes or keep some sort of record of the things going on in the world so that my future family and friends can look to it as a reliable source for the an honest opinion on issues and truth of how events took place and the outcome of them.

Anyway, the point is I'll be posting my notes on here for others to use if desired. I'm trying my best to take notes everyday, but with being in school and having a job its not always easy.

*(FOX News is my main source and most of my notes are taken while watching Glenn Beck. Credit goes to them.)