Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 30, 2010

Try and solve the oil problem:
  • Obama is blocking 10 observers from visiting and touring the spill damage.
  • BP has one of the worst safety records (possibly the worst) in the business
  • In 5 years with BP there have been about 26 deaths and 700 injuries
  • BP has had 760 safety violations and have paid $373 millions In fines
  • April 20 - Oil explosion
  • Its now been 71 days since the oil started shooting out of the Gulf of Mexico
  • Obama has had 71 days to think about the foreign assistance offers to help since the beginning. Finally has accepted. What took so long?!
  • In 71 days we have cleaned up 600,000 barrels of oil
  • The ship that offered to help clean up spill can clean up 500,000 barrels per day
  • Ship is still in dock in Virginia. Freak! Why?!
Solve Econ Crisis:
We have a financial bill that is suppose to solve the Economic Crisis. TARP is basically a slush fund. The money from it is being used to pay for the reform bill. TARP has been extended until October with November right around the corner when elections will be held. For the first time since 1974 the house didn’t even produce a budget to even consider.

Solve Spy Case:
- 11 Russians
- 10 years
- 1 Plane Ticket
- 0 AG

 Drug War:
“Phoenix, Arizona has become the kidnapping capital of America. With more incidents than any other city in the world outside of Mexico City.” (ABC News ‘09)

It has become SO dangerous that in Arizona they have closed off an area that stretches 80 miles along the border. Some call that “giving up sovereignty” Several officers have lost their lives to the hands of those here illegally.

You hire an illegal. You are engaged in modern day slavery.

Why isn’t the federal government doing A LOT more to seal our borders in this country? It is not our job! We are only citizens. The United States government is constitutionally suppose to protect us. We want to have the government take care of our borders so we can go on living normal lives. It’s what the Federal Government is there for. Hundred of thousands of illegals are flowing in at an alarming rate!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29, 2010

Depression of 1946 (there wasn’t a depression, but everyone predicted there would be one)
1943-45 Debt up 50% to 120% GDP.
  • 47% labor worked for U.S. Government
  • 27% labor in Unions
             (Either or)
- Unemployment 14-35%

 “The government cannot just disband the army, close down munitions factories, stop build ships, and remove all economic controls.”
- Alvin H. Hansen, 1943

Depression of 1946
  • Business Week predicts 14% unemployment
  • AFL forecasts 35% unemployment
  • Republican slogan: “Had enough?” (ask yourself that question)
Using that slogan Republicans won control of congress. What they did was say 120% and 47% labor for US Gov. was too high and 27% labor unions was a problem. But, spending plummeted from 84 billion in 1945 to 30 billion one year later. They paid back the debts, Depression - none. The market was fixed quickly. Civilian employment didn’t go down. It grew 4 million jobs. Now, 4 million is half of the number Vice President, Biden, says we can never replace. Obviously, the government’s strategy isn’t working.


After 9-11 the British sent over a gift to the U.S. of a bust of Churchill. Obama boxed up the statue and sent it back. Why? Does he have something against the British?

In a nutshell, Obama’s grandfather was arrested by British authorities in 1949. The story told by Obama’s Granny Sarah says he was tortured and beaten. He was held 6 months and then found guilty. Is this the reason Obama doesn’t respect the British much? Possibly so.

Monday, June 28, 2010

June 28, 2010

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land - Why? Because the Constitution itself says so. It is the bases of the American rule of law - Why? Because anyone who works for any government in the U.S. local, state, and federal takes an oath to uphold the Constitution. Come what may.

In recent years congress has given federal agents the right to write their own search warrants even though the Constitution says only judges can do so. Congress has voted to make it a crime to tell anyone you received a self written search warrant even though the Constitution says congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. It is voted to put a federal bureaucrat between you and your doctor even though the Supreme Court has ruled that what you tell your doctor and what your doctor tells you is none of the governments business. And Congress has voted to give billions to its favorite banks and labor unions even though the Constitution definitely doesn’t permit that! -- What does this have to do with the Supreme Court? Everything! It’s the Supreme Courts job to decide if Congress has been faithful and honest in keeping their oath to the Constitution. Is what Congress does now Constitutional?


It’s being suggested that America, a free country, has the same “powers” as the dictators in China. People in government think it would be smart to shut internet down when needed - like China - in order to “protect” America. Bullcrap!! It’s just about the power and control! They hate that we have the freedom to speak freely so they want to shut it down!

Friday, June 25, 2010

June 25, 2010

How many people had any idea that our founders would take an African American and bury them with the full military rights and honors?

Well, they did and it’s been erased from history. From the history I’ve learned, the time of the founders was a racist time. Yet, now I’m learning the truth that that time wasn’t how it’s being taught… that goes for most parts of history. The most important and interesting stories have been taken out of history and we are now learning a “fixed” history. It’s aggravating.

Book: American History in Black and White

Book: School Text book - Colored Patriots (google search book. Copies are no longer made)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Founders Friday - June 18, 2010

“Every action done in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those that are present.”
- George Washington

Council of the Founding Fathers:
1. George Washington: Honesty is the best policy.
             - His messages was we wanted to run our public affairs the way we run our private affairs.

2. Ben Franklin: Taught to avoid extremes in life.
             - He created a list of 13 virtues to live by.

3. James Madison: Question with Boldness.
             - “…for he must surely rather honest questioning over blindfolded fear.”

4. Have to have faith in your life but it’s okay to have reasoning. You don’t have to leave yourself behind.
             - George Whitefield: Taught to fight the good fight of faith.
             - At the time he was more popular than George Washington.

5. John Adams: Dare to read, think, speak, write.
             - Knowledge will prevent us from being slaves.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Founders Friday - June 11, 2010

James Madison:
Before 1913 U.S. Senators were appointed by the state legislature. Madison said that the House of Representative would always be a national institution because the people would be directly elected by the people. But, the Senate will derive its powers from the states. The idea is that you have the senators be representatives of the state interest, like a lobbyist for the state. The 17th Amendment changed that and instituted a direct popular election of U.S. senators. “The senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state elected by the people…”

  • Madison was elected President in 1808.
  • Madison helped frame the Bill of Rights.
  • Madison was one of George Washington’s closest advisors.
  • Madison was referred to as the “Father of the Constitution.
  • Madison wrote the Federalist Essays with Hamilton and Jay

Friday, June 4, 2010

Founders Friday - June 4, 2010

Benjamin Franklin:
Poor and poverty:
“I think the best way of doing good to the poor. Is not making them easy in poverty but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, I observed in different countries that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And on the contrary, the less that was done for them, the more they did for themselves and became richer.”
- Ben Franklin, November 27, 1766

Ben Franklin created the nations first hospital. Pennsylvania Assembly didn’t want to do it. The idea was about to die but Franklin pushed the issue more because he strongly felt they needed a hospital. He challenged the PA. He said he would raise half the money, 2,000 pounds, which at the time was unheard of, and they would have to match the funds - pay the other half. The PA thought Franklin wouldn’t be able to do it. To them the idea was crazy, so they took him up on the idea. Franklin successfully raised the money, more then 2,000 in fact, and the hospital is still operating today. The bill was signed into law on May 11, 1751. As Franklin put it, “to care for the sick, the poor, and the insane who are wondering the streets of Philadelphia.”

Franklin was lumped into the category with the other founders for being a racist. Really, Franklin was far from being a racist. All we ever hear is that our founders are nothing but rich white guys who are all racist. False.

Besides the first hospital, he also started the first lending library, helped establish the first volunteer fire company in America, and he went door to door to help organize the first militia.

Franklin wanted the rattle snake to be our national symbol because the rattle snake doesn’t bother anybody. He goes away when you approach him, he does useful work, and he’s cautious, but he’s never afraid so you don’t treed on him.

A Few Essentials about Ben Franklin:
  • Ben was one of the richest men in America. He started poor.
  • One of the most popular of the founders. Possibly more popular than Washington because he was an “everyman’s” type man.
  • Franklin won the war because he put the alliance together.
  • He was very against slavery.
Franklin understood that we are given the chance to become better than when we were born. We are given pursuit of happiness - a chance instead of trying to level the playing field.