Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 11, 2010

Education Transformation:
  1. Get rid of history
  2. Get rid of the Constitution, and
  3. Get rid of education on finance
Bailout for education and teachers signed yesterday - $26.1 Billion more that we can’t afford to pay back.

Bailout doesn’t even have a title: “__________ Act of __________”

Tolerance could possibly be one of the reasons America is in the mess it is now! We seem to be tolerating ourselves out of existence. An example would be the recent story of Judge Joseph Charles who claims that his faith says it’s okay to rape his wife since it’s a family member. Tolerance can be a good thing but there comes a time to find the monsters and not tolerate them. Raping your wife or cutting the nose and ears off of your daughter just for running away because of abuse is not okay!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 29, 2010

Weather Underground Manifesto:
  1. End capitalism/imperialism in U.S.
  2. Replace with a “New Democracy” with a dictator and Global Socialism
  3. Gather Victims - (1960’s) - Vietnamese, students, minorities, unions, workers, third world, the oppressed. (Now, we replace the Vietnamese with Palestinians, Iraqis, Illegals.)
“An autocratic form of government in which the government is ruled by an individual… the dictator.”
Police being displayed as racists has been a move central to the movement of the Weather Underground.

“The pigs are the capitalist state… pigs really are the issue and people will understand this, one way or another. They can have a liberal understanding that pigs are sweaty working-class barbarians who over-react and commit “police brutality”… or they can understand pigs as the repressive imperialist state doing its job. Our beginnings should stress self-defense…moving toward (according to necessity) armed self-defense, all the time honoring and putting forth the principle that political power comes out of a the barrel of a gun.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Liberation Theology:
People working close to Obama have been influenced by using race as a weapon. The Weather Underground Manifesto talks about Black Liberation.

 "The Black Liberation Movement…is automatically in and of itself and inseparable part of the whole revolutionary struggle against U.S. imperialism and for international socialism.”

“The crisis in imperialism has brought about a breakdown in… culture and ideology. The family falls apart, kids leave home, women begin to break out of traditional ‘female’ and ‘mother’ roles. There develops a ‘generation gap’ and a ‘youth problem.’”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Weather Underground understood how to treat anyone who dared dissent. They knew how to manipulate groups into joining their movement by targeting minorities and youth.

“In general…young people have less stake in a society (no family, fewer debts, and more open to new ideas) They have not been brainwashed for so long or so well and are therefore more able and willing to move in a revolutionary direction.”

This is why they talk about getting the younger vote, not the older.

Former Vice President speaking to school children: “There are some things about our world that you know, that older people don’t know.”
- Al Gore

What things are those, Mr. Gore?

“The role of the “wife-mother” is reactionary in most modern societies, and the disintegration of that role under imperialism should make women more sympathetic to revolution.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Weather Underground has made it clear that power is their ultimate goal.

“We must build a movement oriented toward power. Revolution is a power struggle, and we must develop that understanding among the people from the beginning.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28, 2010

Weather Underground:
They suggested to kill capitalist system and install world socialism

First words were “dictatorship of a new democracy.” It was a compromise between the poor and the working class and out of the new democracy would create socialism.

The steps:
  1. A United front against imperialism and for a new democracy, and
  2. Developing out of the new democratic stage, socialism.
The Weather Underground was hoping for a simple one step move to revolution but it was too radical for it to be successful. They figured it would be better to move slower and softer into revolution.

Imperialism and oppression is what the Weather Underground call capitalism.

“When imperialism is defeated in the U.S., it will be replaced by socialism - nothing else.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Weather Underground knew that socialism would be a hard idea to sell to the American people. Why would you want to change America? It’s the most prosperous place in the world. Well, the Weather Underground came up with a solution to convincing Americans of socialism.

“First by creating a pervasive politicization, and second by relating everything to the most militant and advanced struggles going on so that they influence and set the pace for a lot more people.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

What does this mean?
  1. Make everything political. Everything! All has to go through a central government.
  2. Create or relate to a crisis
Radicals of the Weather Underground felt that they were smarter and understood things better than the masses because they felt the masses were stupid and petty.

“Much of this category gets some relative privileges (I.E. benefits) from imperialism, which constitute some material basis for being racist or pro-imperialist…”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1996

The quote means people are stupid or they’re bigots. They are talking about us. They don’t think we are enlightened and can see the correct path. So, they avoid us because we are “ignorant.”

Our wealth really isn’t our wealth. Weather Underground believed wealth belonged to the world.

“The Relative affluence existing in the United States is directly dependent upon labor and natural resources of the Vietnamese, the Angolans, the Bolivians and the rest of the peoples of the third world. All of the United Airlines astrojets, all of the holiday inns, all of the hertz’s automobiles, your television set, car and wardrobe already belong, to a large degree to people of the rest of the world.”

In the 60’s hippies used to call the police “Pigs.” The “Pigs” believed the people had the right to their own property. Can you believe it? *coughsarcasmcough*

“Even when there is no organized political struggle, the pigs come down on people in everyday life in enforcing capitalist property relations… They guard stores and factories credit to rent against the poor.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Problem - “Pigs” will enforce property rights,

  1. Redefine Crime
  2. Take it
  3. Money - control/ use
“It is the oppressed peoples of the world who have created the wealth of this empire and it is to them that it belongs; the goal of the revolutionary struggle must be the control and use of this wealth in the interests of the oppressed peoples of the world.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

“Management personnel, corporate lawyers, higher civil servants, and other government agents, army officers, etc… [because their job categories require and promote a close identification with the ruling class] these strata are enemies of the revolution.”

- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Citizens of the World:
“Any conception of ‘socialist revolution’ simply in terms of the working people of the United State, failing to recognize the full scope of interests of the most oppressed peoples of the world is a conception of a fight for a particular privileged interest, and is a very dangerous ideology.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Battle Plan:
The writers of You Don’t Need A Weather Man to Know Which Way the Wind Blows knew that the average American wouldn’t give up their own well being to embrace the socialist version of global equality. So, the came up with a plan:

“On the whole, people don’t join revolutions just because revolutionaries tell them to… we must transform people’s everyday problems, and the issues and struggles growing out of them, into revolutionary consciousness, active and conscious opposition to racism and imperialism.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

“Workers of the world Unite” - Communist slogan
  • Transform the everyday life
- How do you accomplish a massive step toward globalism?
They tell us that we can’t do it and that we need them. They think the odds are stacked against us.

“The masses will fight for socialism when they understand that reform fights, fights for improvement of material conditions, cannot be won under imperialism.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Youth are targeted to make them feel hopeless and make them believe the system is stacked against them.

“Youth unemployment is three times average unemployment… new people in labor market can’t find jobs, job stability, and of course when they do find jobs, young people get the worst ones and have the lease seniority.”
- Weather Underground, June 18, 1969

Weather Underground Manifesto

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27, 2010

Your Choice:
Which ideals do the actions of this administration more closely resemble?
  • Redistribution of Wealth
  • Globalism
  • Big Government/Marxism
  • Class/Race Warfare

  • Individual Liberty
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Free Market
  • Freedom to Succeed/Fail
Some things are not provable, but with reason and common sense think about “Your Choice” and decide.

You Don’t Need A Weather Man to Know Which Way the Wind Blows - Read it. It’s possibly the administration’s blue print. Many things in there have already taken place.
In the document they state what they have to have.

They’re using:

  • Students
  • Labor Unions
  • Working Class
  • Vietnamese (in 1959... now, who can be replaced?)
  • Third World Nations
  • The Oppressed

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

July 20, 2010

40 Days & 40 Nights
Day 30
  1. No peace without HOPE
  2. No hope without LIBERTY
  3. No liberty without INTEGRITY
  4. No integrity without VIRTUE
  5. No virtue without ENLIGHTENMENT
  6. No enlightenment without TRUTH
Shirley Sherrod Controversy:
“I was struggling with the fact that so many black people had lost their farmland and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land. So I didn't give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough. So that when he, I assumed the Department of Agriculture had sent him to me, either that or the Georgia Department of Agriculture, and he needed to go back and report that I did try to help him.”
- Shirley Sherrod , March 2010 while addressing the NAACP

 Glenn Beck’s thoughts: “Those are obviously racist comments that deserved to be condemned. But Sherrod was forced to resign before even being allowed to give her side of the story which, allegedly, is that she was just telling a story of an event that took place 24 years ago and, in fact, she is now friends with that farmer and she was only telling the story to show that she's learned her lesson that it's not about race, it's about who has and who has not.”

Sherrod’s video clip continues to say: “That's when it was revealed to me that it's about the poor versus those who have, not so much about white — it is about white and black, it's not, you know — it opened my eyes. Because I took him to one of his own.”

Glenn continues his thought by saying: “How and why would you force the resignation of someone who is just relating a story of 24-year-old incident to make a point? How many times when a controversy comes up have we heard that someone was "misquoted" or they "misspoke" or we're told that "the only point they were simply making was that..." and then some point that bears no resemblance to the one they made; or they were just "taken out of context?"

Now here's a possible actual example of someone taken completely out of context and they immediately get rid of her.”

The day the video becomes public, Sherrod is harassed into resigning. She says: “Why am I out? They asked me to resign. And, in fact, they harassed me as I was driving back to the state office from West Point, Georgia, yesterday. I had at least three calls telling me the White House wanted me to resign. And the last one asked me to pull over to the side of the road and do it. She said, "Well, Shirley, they want you to pull over to the side of the road and do it because you're going to be on Glenn Beck tonight."

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19, 2010

  1. HC Tax Hike
  2. Abortion
  3. Redistribute
  4. Keep Doctor
President said:
(1a). No tax increase (Sept. 2009)
(2a). No federal $ (Sept. 2009)
(3a). HC is a right (2008)
(4a). If you like your doctor, you can keep him (2009)

Glenn Beck said:
(1b). Couple of tax hikes (Nov. 2009)
(2b). Most anti-life President
(3b). Universal HC = Socialism (March 2009)
(4b). No Choice (Feb. 2010)

(1c). Insurance mandate = tax (July 2010)
(2c). PA & MD get tax $ for abortion (July 2010)
(3c). Berwick appointed (July 2010)
(4c). Violation of Obama’s pledge

What the Obama Administration Said They Believed:
  1. There is no terrorism --> just man caused disasters (January 2009)
  2. No such thing as an “Enemy Combatant” (March 13, 2009)
  3. War on terror doesn’t exist --> It’s the overseas contingency operation (March 2009)
  4. “Jilu lists” are not the enemy (May 2010)
  5. No “rounding up Arab American families” without “Due Process”
  6. Close Gitmo - “Show World American Justice”
  7. End “Warrant less wiretaps”
  8. No war!
President Obama is NOW saying it’s okay to assassinate American citizens without due process.

“Profound concern about recent reports indicating that you have authorized a program that contemplates the killing of suspected terrorists - including U.S. citizens - located far away from zones of actual armed conflict. If accurately described, this program violates international law and, at least insofar as it affects U.S citizens, it is also unconstitutional.” (April 28, 2010)

This isn’t assassination, this is presidential murder.

Faith in Public Life:

  • Rabbi Steve Gutow: Executive Director of Jewish Council for public affairs; activist organizer, attny, & advocate for social justice.
  • Sr. Catherine Pinkerton: Lobbyist for network - a national Catholic social justice lobby.
  • Fred Rotonardo: Senior fellow at Center for American Progress.
  • Rev. Dr. Susan Thistlethwaite: Senior fellow at Center for American Progress.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 15, 2010

Abortion Funding:
“There are some folks out there who are, frankly, bearing false witness (*interesting choice of words eh?), but I want everyone to know what health insurance reform is all about… You’ve heard that this is all going to mean government funding of abortion. Not true. These are all fabrications that have been put out there in order to discourage people from meeting what I consider to be a core ethical and moral obligation.”
- President Obama, August 19, 2009

Pro-life democrats wouldn’t sign a bill funding abortion. Obama put the reform into writing. So now you have Obama’s word, is hand shake, and you have it in writing that they will not federally fund abortion.

Not so fast… in today’s news:
“The Health and Human Services Department is giving Pennsylvania $160 million to set up a new high-risk insurance pool that will cover any abortion that is legal in the state.”
- CNS News, July 14, 2010

“In New Mexico, the new $37 million high-risk pool began enrolling individuals on July 1st. They will start receiving benefits in August, including elective-abortion services, according to the state insurance department’s website. Once a deductible is paid, 80 percent of the elective abortion is covered.”
- The National Review, July 14, 2010

What is Obama’s word even worth?!